200815 Jun
Firefox 3 isn’t quite out yet, but already there are some exciting plans for CSS implementation in future versions.
FF3.1 should see all the selectors (test them here), @media queries, text-shadow, font-stretch, and downloadable web fonts with @font-face; FF4 should add calc() and attr() values, along with the Animation and Transitions modules proposed by the Webkit team.
You can see a list of other planned implementations on the Mozilla Wiki.
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FF 3.1 already has text-shadow support (I’ve just checked with the latest nightly). You can now update the “Preview” page.
Mick says:Comment » June 16th, 2008 at 6:33 am
Multiple shadows also works in Firefox, you might want to mention that on your example page.
Multiple shadows also works with the latest WebKit nightlies, so You can update the page again ;)
[…] offers a breath of fresh air. It is fully compliant to W3C standards and fully supports CSS 2. Version 3.1 will offer even more and will start supporting CSS 3 selectors!. It also supports open source plugins, themes and of course add-ons such as Flash or Java. It even […]
[…] is, well, playing catch-up with the above two, adding a bit of the idea’s from safari, opera or, if you’re lucky, […]
Alex says:Comment » July 8th, 2008 at 5:17 pm
As of the latest nightly, Firefox supports box-shadow (with the -moz- prefix)
Also supports multiple shadows (same as the WebKit nightly)
[…] other standards: (X)HTML, XML, XSLT, CSS 2.1, SVG 1.1 and JavaScript. Firefox is, well, playing catch-up with the above two, adding a bit of the idea’s from safari, opera or, if you’re lucky, both. To […]
[…] In a world dominated by Microsoft, and their policy of ignoring any web design standards, Firefox offers a breath of fresh air. It is fully compliant to W3C standards and fully supports CSS 2. Version 3.1 will offer even more and will start supporting CSS 3 selectors!. […]