Compatibility Table – Fonts module

CSS3 Fonts properties
Property Presto 2.2 WebKit 4 Gecko 1.9.1 Trident
font-family Yes Yes Yes
font-weight Yes Yes Yes
font-stretch No No No No
font-style Yes Yes Yes
font-variant Yes Yes Yes
font-size Yes Yes Yes
font-size-adjust No No Yes No
font Yes Yes Yes
Fonts resources
Property Presto 2.2 WebKit 4 Gecko 1.9.1 Trident
@font-face Yes Yes Yes Yes
font-family Yes Yes Yes
src Yes Yes* Yes* Partial†
font-style Yes Yes Yes
font-weight Yes Yes Yes
unicode-range No

Browsers and Rendering engines

Each property and unit was tested in the latest version of each of the major rendering engines – Presto, WebKit, Gecko and Trident. The browsers used in the charts above were as follows:

Presto 2.2
Tested using Opera 10 beta 3
Tested using Safari 4 final
Gecko 1.9
Tested using Firefox 3.5 final

Tested using IE8 final


  • * SVG/SVGZ fonts are not supported.
  • † IE only supports EOT fonts


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