200609 Oct
Posted in Summer Contest
You can now finally see why Niels Leenheer won the Summer contest. The javascript based CSS selectors test he created is now up and running, and it’s über cool. He discovered quite a few bugs in various browsers while in the process of creating this test, so it worked in all ways. Go check it out!
And don’t forget out the blogpost Niels made about the CSS selector bugs he discovered.
200629 Sep
Posted in Summer Contest
So it’s been quite a while, and i should have ended the summer contest almost a complete month ago, but due to extreme business on my side, with a new born son and other stuff, i didn’t get around to it. But I have finally come to it, and here it is:
The CSS3 summer contest winners!
- The fifth prize goes to Mauricio Samy Silva for the complete selectors explanation he made that i have yet to work in to the site.
- The fourth prize goes to Peter Gasston, fellow blogger on this blog, for his blogposts and other great work he did for this site.
- The third prize goes to Mihai Sucan, for his excellent speech preview.
- The second prize goes to Mauricio Samy Silva, for the attribute selectors preview he made.
- The first prize goes to Niels Leenheer, for his javascript based css compatbility tester, which is a very, very cool script, which i’ll soon publish here.
So, people, please contact me with the name and email address you want your prizes to be registered to, and i’ll get them to you!!
200618 Aug
Posted in Summer Contest
Apparently we got dugg again, and in the comments of the digg i keep reading that people would like screenshots. Now there’s one thing i do not have a lot of at the moment, and that’s time. So, this is a hint: if you enter in the CSS3 summer holiday contest with screenshots for all the previews we currently have, that would be much, much appreciated by the sole judge…
200614 Aug
Posted in Summer Contest
Once again, i can add a price to the list of prizes to give away in the summer holiday contest! The extra price is: a Professional license of oXygen XML Editor v7.2, which allows the user to use it on any OS (Windows, Unix/Linux, Mac OS X). That’s another $225 on the stack :).
In other news, i’ve had some people announcing they would join in the contest, but have only received ONE submission so far. So people: get them going!
200607 Aug
Posted in Summer Contest
The Summer Holiday contest is getting better and better, over the last week i’ve been updating the initial post to reflect the prizes i added to the list. The first submissions are coming in, and more are coming up.
In other news, i’ve tweaked the layout a bit more, tell me what you think of it!
200601 Aug
Posted in Summer Contest
Yes, we are having a contest! We want to get you guys to help us, and we’re going to reward those who do it the best with some cool prizes!