200619 Jun
Posted in CSS3 Previews
A new preview page has been added, for HSL values in the Color module. So far, only Mozilla-based browsers support this feature.
Update: Also added HSLA values; only supported in Firefox 3 pre-Alpha.
[tags]css3, hsl, hsla, firefox, mozilla[/tags]
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I’ve filed a bug for WebKit to add this, it’s kinda cool stuff :)
Great website!
But I’m very disappointed with the W3C because they work very slow, CSS3 should be released already.
Does anyone know when it will be?
Thank you very much. -
Take a look at the roadmap table here:
As you can see, a number of modules have reached the ‘Candidate Recommendation’ level (that is, they think the specification is good enough but won’t recommend it fully until more testing has been done). Only one (Selectors) is near the full ‘Recommended’ level (in fact, a little overdue). Many of the CSS3 selectors have already been implemented in the latest browsers.