• 201207 Apr

    Our competition has now closed and it’s time to announce the winners, each winning a digital copy of SitePoint’s latest book – The CSS3 Anthology: Take Your Sites to New Heights by Rachel Andrew.

    We asked you to answer the following question:

    A layout that stretches to fit a browser window is called what?

    a. A fixed-width layout,
    b. A liquid layout,
    c. A print-ready layout.

    The correct answer was, of course:

    b. A liquid layout.

    In total we received 235 valid correct entries, from which the following five winners were randomly selected:

    Georgi Popov
    Patel Vintesh
    Mason Meyer
    Eystein Alnaes
    Elin Yordanov

    Congratulations to all the winners, who have now been notified via email and will receive their free ebook shortly.

    If you weren’t lucky enough to win a free copy, for a limited time only, until April 10th 2012, the ebook bundle is available at a specially discounted price of only $17.

    Full details and purchase prices for the various formats can be found here, and you can download free sample chapters from the book here.

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