@ Ollie thank you
I know how users dislike having to see foreign languages spoken on English sites so I'll translate in brief:
(Aleksander said that he is also learning the web languages and asked for help)
@ Aleksander , najlepiej by było zkontaktować się z mną mailem (jalokimgraphics (małpa) gmail (kropka) com bądz przez stronki ktore podalem w artykule.
@ All - I do apologize for being rather vague in my article, guess I should have made my introduction as formal as my future articles.
As Chris has mentioned, I won't be interfering with the information given on CSS3.info. I will use my skills (debatable or not) and experience to showcase the uses of the new CSS3 features.
Cordially Jalokim
Posted to
" New Author, Mikolaj Sitek, Introduces Himself to CSS3.info " by
August 31st, 2009