• 200829 Mar

    One of the interesting things about Acid 3 is that it tests parts of the CSS3 Colour and CSS3 Selectors modules, that are a part of the 2007 CSS snapshot. Now that both Opera and WebKit pass the standards part of the Acid 3 test, the support for the snapshot has now also improved. The CSS 2007 snapshot is the state of play in CSS at the end of 2007.

    WebKit used to lack support for many CSS3 selectors, but now passes the CSS3 Selectors test on this site, and supports all of these selectors. Opera already supported these, but didn’t support HSLA, RGBA and the CSS3 values for transparent. These were added to pass Acid 3 in a post Kestrel build (which may or may not be back ported). Due to these improvements, support in these two browsers for the CSS 2007 snapshot looks healthy.

    Ignoring CSS2.1 for now (which Opera has very good support for), both browsers fully support the Selectors Level 3 spec and the CSS Namespaces spec. For CSS3 Colour, the support isn’t quite as clear cut. Everything is supported in Opera, except the flavor keyword and the various related colour profile properties. These properties are at risk of being dropped by the spec however. WebKit has the same support except it doesn’t support currentColor yet, and has some bugs with allowing mixed values in RGB and RGBA. Firefox has had similar CSS3 Colour support to Opera for a while now

    Away from the 2007 snapshot, ACID3 also tests Media Queries. These were already supported in Opera and WebKit, but are not yet supported in Gecko or the IE engine. Web Fonts (@font-face) are in the test and were already supported by WebKit, while Opera was developing support, but speeded up development to pass the test. Finally cursor from CSS3 Basic User Interface was added by Opera to pass Acid 3. I’m unsure if this was already supported by WebKit or not.

    Although CSS3 UI is not part of the CSS 2007 snapshot, the spec is close to being complete–apart from lacking an editor or a test suite–and support in one or more browsers exists for many of the properties. The features supported by one or more browsers now includes box-sizing (Opera, Safari, Firefox and IE8), resize (Safari), outline-offset (Opera, Safari and Firefox), nav-up, nav-down, nav-right and nav-left (Opera) and cursor (Opera, Safari and Firefox).

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  • Comments

    • 01.

      Gecko 1.9 (the engine in Firefox 3) also supports css3-color (except for color-profile, rendering-intent, @color-profile, and flavor, which are likely being dropped). Gecko also supports cursor, and has for a long time, since cursor is part of CSS 2, although new values for the property have been added over time (both between the spec versions and in Gecko).

    • 02.

      David: Yes, I already included that on our CSS3 Colour module compatibility table, but I was focusing on the Acid 3 passing browser in that paragraph. I was also going to add Firefox support, but forgot too add that note. I’ll update the post soon.

      I didn’t know about Gecko and cursor (or WebKit previous to their ACID 3 work). That is good to know. I’ll add it to the post and look at creating a CSS3 UI compatibility table soon.

    • 03.

      Great post. I didn’t realize Acid3 was testing useful stuff from CSS3. That’s great!

    • 04.

      I just had to post here, since the thread only contains responses from Davids.

    • 05.

      David: The cross browser David support seems pretty good. Only IE is missing.

    • 06.

      CSS3 selector support is probably the bit I’m most excited about currently; I imagine the people doing more artistic stuff with the web (rather than the application-oriented stuff I’m doing) are very appreciative of the color updates though :)

      (comment mostly just posted to get another browser-involved David on the list)

    • 07.

      Sorry for putting a stopper to the string variations of the name David!

      @David Smith: If you’re after Level 3 selectors, then you’ll be disappointed with the news that there is no planned implementation of them in the IE8 RC, in case you didn’t already know.

      It’s nice to see that a number of vendors are taking the initiative to implement properties included in the Basic UI module, even if they do involve using vendor-specifc prefixes. As I mention in an article I wrote mainly about the box-sizing concept but also go into some detail about the current module status. It is also worth mentioning that on top of having to find a new owner (that’s if Tantek doesn’t want to be reinstated) and a test-suite being created, there are also several features that are at risk of being removed from the module before it exits CR. So in this sense, I would think of the module as being fairly unpolished although it’s been a CR since mid ’04.

    • 08.

      @James Hopkins: Yeah, that’s rather annoying, but at least we have jquery/prototype/etc… to provide JS access to CSS3 selectors while we wait

    • 09.

      @David Smith: No, I personally find it extremely annoying.

      This is far from ideal, and I would personally never use JS for this purpose. As for CSS3 selector support in JQuery, Peter Gasston recently posted an article announcing news that JQuery is losing support for many Level 3 selectors.

    • 10.

      @David Storey: Windows-based FF builds (not sure about Linux but not Mac) support the appearance property when the -moz- prefixed is attached to it. MDC document

    • 11.


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