200805 Mar
Daniel Glazman has created a new test to show CSS3 Selectors support in your browser. He has also posted results for current browsers.
With this and the Acid 3 test, there’s a lot for browser makers to aim for.
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The latest builds of Opera pass *all* my tests. Wow. VERY impressive…
Hanspeter Schaub says:Comment » March 5th, 2008 at 9:21 pm
The latest WebKit almost passes all the test. Only 2 red squares in the top structure, and the lower click/hover tests don’t seem to work. close ;-)
Vincent de Phily says:Comment » March 5th, 2008 at 9:24 pm
Konqueror shows same result as webkit, and that’s a stable version released a long time ago :)
Nice to see the amount of Green so far. Can’t wait to use these selectors in the “real world” one day.
Konqueror using KDE 3.5.8 (I assume 3.5.9 would look the same).All tests work as described.
Hmm, looks like he’s added some more tests since making those screenshots. The latest Opera 9.5 build is still all green, while the latest Firefox 3 nightly adds ~19 green squares and 2 red ones (if I’m counting correctly). Both handle all the check/hover tests. Checked on Linux.
Thanks for the new test suite, Daniel!
And great work, Opera! -
Opera is on top of their game. I wish i had one of the IE 8 betas that were released. If anyone was invited im interested in the results from that.
I’ve just put IE8 through the selector test. The only difference between it and IE7 is support for :before, :after, and :lang()
[…] for Firefox 3.0b4pre (Minefield), Safari 3.0.4 for Windows, Opera 9.23 and Internet Explorer 7. He was impressed to see that the latest builds of Opera pass all of his […]