201226 Jul
Last month Microsoft announced that they now support (via their IE10 release preview) CSS3 Animations, Transforms and Transitions without the need for vendor prefixes, becoming the first browser to do so.
What? I hear you cry. When did Microsoft begin leading the field in terms of CSS3 support? Were the Mayan’s right? Is this the end of the world as we know it?
Well, it seems Microsoft may have jumped the gun on this one, if the minutes of the CSS working group’s recent teleconference are anything to go by. Rather than waiting for permission from the working group before introducing unprefixed support for the CSS3 Animations, Transforms and Transitions specifications, as would normally be the case, Microsoft appear to have first added support, and then informed the working group after the fact.
Whether or not you approve of Microsoft’s actions, it does appear to have spurred the working group into action, as later the same day they resolved to allow all browser vendors to support CSS3 Animations, Transforms and Transitions without vendor prefixes.
Although the Animations, Transforms and Transitions specifications are still all at the working draft stage of development, and the working group doesn’t normally recommend unprefixing until a specification reaches the candidate recommendation stage of development, on this occasion they appear to feel that the specifications are now at a stable enough stage of development that the various properties can be unprefixed without causing any major headaches.
At the time of writing, Mozilla have indicated that Firefox will support Animations, Transforms and Transitions without prefixes from version 16.0 onwards, currently Firefox offers support with the
prefix.Safari / Chrome and Opera have yet to announce their intentions, but all currently support Animations, Transforms and Transitions with their various vendors prefixes (
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The sooner every vendor can agree on CSS3 Animations, Transitions and Gradients, the better!
(hurry up!)
Binyamin says:Comment » July 27th, 2012 at 4:15 pm
Opera have -webkit- mapping to -o- https://plus.google.com/110977198681221304891/posts/4d15C64dn8y
Thank God finally that understand the power of “CSS3”
It really big steps forward in the war of browsers. They are back to the battle of browser now.
It was about time! IE did it (!), can’t wait to see the other browsers follow
Awesome, maybe those flashy commercials of there’s wont be a total trick on the public now.
It’s so important for this functionality. It such a simple alternative to a bunch of javascript.
awesome, this is very nice and important but not supported by most of broswer thanks anyway
I’m loving the properties of CSS3, especially now that there’s so much opportunity to apply animations and transforms to our graphic elements.
Not exactly a habit I feel like advocating. Sure, it worked out this time around – but it also opened the door for Microsoft to start pushing the W3C around in the future. The steps from a proposal to a candidate recommendation are important and necessary to ensure the proper function and implementation across the board of browsers. What happens next time when they break out of the procedure, and then have to bring the property back to working draft because of some huge issue they overlooked when they pushed it forward? These things take time for a reason, not because of laziness on the W3Cs part. Pushing them like this will only open up the door for mistakes, bugs, and security issues.
Eba says:Comment » November 4th, 2012 at 6:22 am
Microsoft really needs to get out of the browser business and stick to operating systems and software suites. No matter what Bill decides to do here – it will be a nightmare for some group. Whether it is browser users or website developers and designers, it won’t be pretty. From anal to clued in at one single leap? Not!
Microsoft really needs to get out of the browser business and stick to operating systems and software suites
- 14.
I know Chrome no longer requires a prefix.. Just tested it out..!! Cool
Website very Extravaganza
And is often useful for all webmaster
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