200610 Aug
Posted in News
The undersigned has a post about how he learns webdesign on his school in Denmark, and to be honest, it’s frightening me. Table layouts apparently are the way to go according to his teacher, and designs are made using Dreamweaver. Allthough CSS3 might be a way ahead, if webdesign students in Denmark are taught like that, i hope they read a lot on the side on how things should be done…
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My wife recently did a course here in London which still included the use of <font> tags, <table> for layouts, etc; it’s as if nothing has changed in the last five years.
Kind of like this subject I’m doing at the moment (Year 10 – High school) Everything is tables and frames (ughhh…)
At least they use dreamweaver and not frontpage…
I was taught to always use external CSS, but still Dreamweaver design view was “the way to go” except for PHP of course.
Anyway, i’ve heard they are changing the courses in a good way this year. School was just basics for me, i’ve learned so, so much more in real life.
Thomas H. says:Comment » September 26th, 2006 at 3:30 pm
I took webdesign in Denmark – learned coding html and css in Notepad. None of that Frontpage, Dreamweaver nonsense. No frames, no javascript menus, no newstickers, no … Old school.
Half my job today is webdesign and maintenance.
craft says:Comment » May 7th, 2008 at 9:55 am
anyone help…where can i take short courses in Denmark about dreamweaver cs3?
Pia says:Comment » January 21st, 2009 at 10:42 pm
Try Tech College Aalborg http://www.techcollege.dk/Sider/default.aspx they have dw cs3 courses.