200801 Apr
Posted in Browsers
The Internet Explorer team announced on their blog today that they are unhappy with the slow progress and differing implementations of the various CSS3 modules, and will not be including any CSS3 functionality in IE8; instead they will be producing their own, alternative standard, which they are codenaming CSS.2012 (after the planned year of launch of the subsequent browser).
Few details have yet been released as to what the new standard will contain, although one new feature which was hinted at was the
selector, which will be used to replace text in selected elements with high-definition streaming video.It is unlikely that CSS.2012 will be compatible with existing CSS standards, and MS intend to use their dominant market share to automatically push the new version onto desktops; with training being provided only by Microsoft-certificated teachers, this could end up being very expensive for web developers forced to re-train.
IE Platform Architect, Chris Wilson, said:
Other browsers and standards break the web, so CSS.2012 is our best effort at fixing it. It will be tightly integrated into .NET and Silverlight, and initially will only work in IE9. Other browsers will be able to license the technology after a few years, when we judge it is stable. Then they can’t break the web.
More information on the announcement here.
Update: It’s just after noon here in the UK, so time for me to confess: yes, this is an April Fool’s Day hoax; of course, Microsoft would never pull a stunt like this. Hope you all enjoyed the prank, and I’m happy I caught a few of you out!
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Scott says:Comment » April 1st, 2008 at 2:13 am
March 31st over here still so you almost had me
Andrew says:Comment » April 1st, 2008 at 2:51 am
Yip, had me to. I was just about ready to give up my career as a web developer :)
VerSuS says:Comment » April 1st, 2008 at 3:26 am
Well, this kind of jokes may cause a heart attack!!
Haha. April Fools day everybody. Microsoft does some crazy stunts, but this one would definently take the cake (which is a lie)
maaaaaan… you totally got me. i could feel my blood pressure rising…
You had me for the first paragraph! I was genuinely scared.
Siriusfox says:Comment » April 1st, 2008 at 5:04 am
You jumped the gun. It’s 8PM hear on the West coast of the US. You had me for a second their.
asdf Asdf says:Comment » April 1st, 2008 at 6:15 am
I don’t get the joke.
If Bush says on April 1 that he’s sending us to war, is that funny just because of the date?
Yeah, that’s how it works.I hate April fools day.
Steve says:Comment » April 1st, 2008 at 6:48 am
Damn! you got me too! I was hammering the IE blog ready to give them a piece of my mind…
You’ve almost had me :-) Took me a while to realise…
That was v funny – like everyone else, I believed it until clicking on the link at the bottom!
I hope Chris doesn’t look at this post – it might give them ideas! -
christian says:Comment » April 1st, 2008 at 11:24 am
Dang, while I read it anger was growing until I finished the article. Then I luckily realized it’s just a bit too ridiculous and then finally I thought of what day is.
Nice trick with the tiny url. I knew it before clicking but I like how you wanted to ensure not to spoil it too soon. -
I knew it was a joke from the first paragraph alone. :p
But even before opening this article… I have the IEBlog RSS in my toolbar right next to the one of CSS3.info. So when I saw the title of latest CSS3.info article, I refreshed the IEBlog RSS, and saw there was nothing new there. -
You fooled me! I was about to give up all hope on web standards!
[…] IE9 to include alternative ‘CSS.2012′ standard. […]
Paul D. says:Comment » April 1st, 2008 at 1:56 pm
Hoax or not, who here thinks Microsoft will actually include CSS3 support in an upcoming browser version? Anyone?
I didn’t think so.
I changed mine in the eleventh hour and I’m glad I did as I almost did something almost identical to yours. I was going to say they decided to create their own MSS standard ;)
Nice job.
Mike -
You had me until I saw a comment, as I was reading this from Google Reader. It’s still early morning in the US. You should of held off on the April Fools update and collapsed the comments or made them not post until later in the day. At least I won’t be fooled the rest of the day.
LOL!!! you suck!!! I was about to flame the IE team until I got to the end of post.
The problem with this is, its sooo easy to believe.
I actually thought the IE developers were ‘that’ stupid and couldn’t implement CSS3 support…
Eddie says:Comment » April 1st, 2008 at 5:23 pm
Yeah, it’s believable… which is what makes it so great. :)
Emil Ivanov says:Comment » April 1st, 2008 at 6:10 pm
Hahaha! Very good joke, this reminds me for one other with Sans Serif island with lowercase bay and Arial and Helvetic towns :D
[…] IE9 to include alternative CSS.2012 standard instead of following anything remotely like the rest of the world. […]
Geek 2.0 — Jonathan Rass » Blog Archive » Best April Fool’s Jokes 2008 says:Comment » April 1st, 2008 at 9:33 pm
[…] IE9 to include alternative ‘CSS.2012′ standard […]
Oh, God! This really scared me! XD
I was so happy to hear that it was just an April Fool’s joke. XD
paziek says:Comment » April 2nd, 2008 at 10:38 am
Damn, and I was hoping to see IE downfall as webdevelopers would finally give up on it. Well, at least most of u, right? ;]
Goddamn man, you really had me…
Just about when I was finishing to read the article I’d gathered some 5 or so, developers from the agency here.
Luckely we still have hair, but we had quiet a laugh after-all, so I gues TNX is in place
Mark says:Comment » April 2nd, 2008 at 1:11 pm
Oh man, you almost had me there! I was going to go bananas with MS creating their own CSS standards. I’ve read few paragraphs and I thought “what!? another MS bs!!”. But then I realised it was an April fools joke.
[…] IE9 to include alternative ‘CSS.2012′ standa 1 Nisan şakası, geç farkettim. […]
I thought it was real! i only found out about the joke by reading the comments. DAMN!! lol
As reading goes by, i find “other browsers break the web” and i was sooooooooo pissed off, that i thought by 2012, i would have to leave the web and get another job!!!!!
:D -
It’s not ridiculous, it IS possible :p They did it once, they did it with *ehemm* OOXML…
Some April Fools can become a reality, after all, a good joke is something built on reality and open possibilities ;) Anything too unrealistic is a lame joke :p especially on April Fools :p
121212 -
That was not unrealistic. I just make an ass out of myself to the entire whatwg group. thanks. ;-)
Cool…thats was a great prank u caught me fully buddy…gud work
5+ :)
It’s nice joke. The web is BROKEN :)
WEB 3.0 » Blog Archive » �As� que quer�as saber (casi todo) de CSS? says:Comment » April 18th, 2009 at 3:37 am
[…] IE9 to Include Alternative ‘CSS.2012′ Standard – Peter Gasston […]
UMG! … these total ba§$t#rds from redmond!
(alright, April joke, … know I got it :-) -
God damnit! Six months later I read the “update” part of this post!
You gotta admit, it’s not untruly that MS would do this kind of stunt! :)
You should take this page down now – it is october now and I almost crapped myself reading this. ;)