200630 Sep
Posted in Browsers
The latest version of the Konqueror browser, 3.5.4, supports more CSS3 declarations.
background-origin, background-clip and background-size are all supported with the proprietary -khtml- prefix. We’ll update our pages soon so you can test them for yourselves.
See the full list of changes for the latest release here.
I’ve said it before, but it’s really a shame that probably less than 0.1% of internet users choose Konqueror.
Update: I’ve just seen that Konqueror has also implemented the :checked selector, making it the first browser to support every CSS3 selector. In the last month, 0.48% of this site’s visitors used Konqueror – and I suspect quite a few times it was me, testing.
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Let me update those pages now… Sec… Done :).