200623 Jun
Posted in Modules
Hello one and all, I’m Nicholas Shanks and have been helping out behind the scenes. My role is to build up the corpus of basic information about CSS Level 3 and how it has been developed, the W3C and WHATWG, and how everything in CSS3 came to be there.
To this end my first page has now gone live, detailing the current progress of each and every CSS 3 module through the vetting process. It allows you to see at a glance which modules are considered more complete. I hope you find it useful!
[tags]css level 3 modules, css3 modules, w3c, whatwg[/tags]
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Great site, I’m a bit concerned about the evolution of CSS and how well your site will reflect it. On the other hand, with no further incentives, I’m afraid W3 will simply never deliver CSS3, so your site is a great way to push them forward
Regarding the page http://www.css3.info/preview/hsl.html, you forgot about the icing on the cake: hsla
Also on the topic of alpha channel: rgba is alive and well in Safari for a long time now, maybe even Safari 1 (Panther) – http://www.css3.info/preview/hsla.html I used to use it a long time ago. http://www.empyree.org/hypertrophie.html. I don’t understand why it doesn’t works with your site (I did not checked your code, though)
Regarding text-shadow (): a better illustration (IMHO), albeit less common, is the one I used: (French) (better with UTF-8 – look for “aura”). If you have the Exocet font, the “Diablo” is good to (as for the reddish artifact on the left you will experience higher in the page: this is normal: it is a very blurry text-shadow intented to look like your screen has a problem! Kind of a joke — which uses a lot of CPU)
Keep up the good work!
Ey David, thx for your nice comments :). We didn’t forget hsla and rgba, we just put it on another page, but i’ll mention it on the hsl page ;).
You’re welcome :) I wrote several article about CSS3 (http://blog.empyree.org/?tag/css-3 – mostly in French but Google may help you http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fblog.empyree.org%2F%3Ftag%2Fcss-3&langpair=fr%7Cen).