200827 Oct
Posted in CSS3 Previews
An advantage of not posting for a while is that there are usually plenty of good subjects to talk about when you get back to it…
With a kind nod of the head to our post from way back in 2006, Andy Clarke has posted a screencast (with full transcript and code examples) of RGBa values in action on his website For A Beautiful Web.
Over at Javascript Kit they’ve produced an exhaustively in-depth look at structural pseudo-classes.
On the subject of Javascript, Eric Meyer has written about how it can be leveraged to extend CSS3 support across browsers.
And Helen from Helephant.com writes a good introduction to the box-sizing property.
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PLEASE put back the old style! Please…
Emil Ivanov says:Comment » November 5th, 2008 at 11:25 pm
Give me a break! You have to be kidding! The header background looks like more for some kinder garden site.
The new style isn’t all that bad, really (I like the transparent tabs), it’s just the stuff at the top (clouds, rainbow and stuff) that looks out of place.
Wha…? First I’ve seen (or heard of) this…
Hi! I tried to use the contact form but it didn’t work.
what’s the solution you used to make transparency in menu on IE? -
@Gustavo – check http://www.css3.info/wp-content/themes/new_css3/css/ie6.css. It uses the proprietary Filter property combined with AlphaImageLoader.
Alex says:Comment » November 7th, 2008 at 12:07 pm
I do find it funny the stylesheet of a site about CSS3, doesn’t actually use any CSS3. And it’s also got a couple of errors (Missing ! on !important)
Alex: oh yeah, rounded borders are images now…
By the way, I’d have made the hovered tab image part of the regular image, so it’s always preloaded.
I hope that the header background is temporary (-_-)
New Design is great! And I love it, but something happened with css for examples.
hey is there any function for curved divs ???
devilsuraj: not sure, but it sounds like you’re looking for the “border-radius” property.
http://www.css3.info/preview/rounded-border/ -
Site bug: the “CSS Selectors Test” tab isn’t white when you’re on the corresponding page, unlike other sections.
Oh, and all selector tests show up as green now, no more orange or red for buggy/unsupported implementations…
Cheers Stifu,
We are aware of some issues such as these, but I’ll echo these particular ones back to the relevant people.
stifu: i was looking for same thanks
how many browser are compatible with css3 on present date?? - 18.