201009 Aug
The CSS Working Group published an updated Candidate Recommendation of the Media Queries module on the 27th July.
According to a post by Bert Bos (Friday 6th August) on the www-style mailing list, the main change is that an empty media query is no longer an error, but rather applies to all media, for example:
@media {… style rules …}
The document now also contains a link to a test suite (currently in beta), which runs a series of automated tests to check for compliance with the specification. Here’s how a few common browsers shaped up:
Google Chrome (5.0.375.125 beta)
Passed: 180
Failed: 190
Todo: 0Mozilla Firefox (3.6)
Passed: 361
Failed: 0
Todo: 0Microsoft IE (8)
Passed: 0
Failed: 1
Todo: 0(Test causes an error loading the page)
Microsoft IE (9, platform preview 4)
Passed: 175
Failed: 186
Todo: 0Opera (10.60)
Passed: 254
Failed: 107
Todo: 0You can see how other browsers did in the test suite via browsershots here.
Aside from the updates above, the text has been improved in several places as follows:
…some text moved to a more logical place, terms are better coordinated with CSS 2.1, an informal reference to HTML5 was added, etc..
As always, comments are invited via the www-style mailing list, preferably within the next two to three weeks.
You can skip to the end and leave a response.
The latest IE9 platform preview (4) gives me 175 passed, 186 failed, 0 todo.
Does anyone else find it funny that the search box in the upper right corner of the site doesn’t know how to properly disable and reimplement the active input selection css for safari?
Where is the Safari browser?
Firefox browser is always first :)
Tim says:Comment » August 10th, 2010 at 9:49 am
Safari 5.0.1 on mac result the same as Chrome : 180 passed , 190 failed, 0 todo.
It is good news to have those kind of test, browsers will be more able to correct.
I hop we gonna have this document as a Proposed Recommendation soon !
Emil says:Comment » August 31st, 2010 at 1:29 am
“the main change is that an empty media query is no longer an error” what a huuuge improvement…….. why these things are taking ages, now wonder we need to code for ie6 still
- 07.