• 201009 Aug

    The CSS Working Group published an updated Candidate Recommendation of the Media Queries module on the 27th July.

    According to a post by Bert Bos (Friday 6th August) on the www-style mailing list, the main change is that an empty media query is no longer an error, but rather applies to all media, for example:

    @media {… style rules …}

    The document now also contains a link to a test suite (currently in beta), which runs a series of automated tests to check for compliance with the specification. Here’s how a few common browsers shaped up:

    Google Chrome (5.0.375.125 beta)

    Passed: 180
    Failed: 190
    Todo: 0

    Mozilla Firefox (3.6)

    Passed: 361
    Failed: 0
    Todo: 0

    Microsoft IE (8)

    Passed: 0
    Failed: 1
    Todo: 0

    (Test causes an error loading the page)

    Microsoft IE (9, platform preview 4)

    Passed: 175
    Failed: 186
    Todo: 0

    Opera (10.60)

    Passed: 254
    Failed: 107
    Todo: 0

    You can see how other browsers did in the test suite via browsershots here.

    Aside from the updates above, the text has been improved in several places as follows:

    …some text moved to a more logical place, terms are better coordinated with CSS 2.1, an informal reference to HTML5 was added, etc..

    As always, comments are invited via the www-style mailing list, preferably within the next two to three weeks.

    You can skip to the end and leave a response.

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