200706 Jan
Recently I began planning a brief tutorial on using the CSS3 attribute selectors (which are now implemented in all the latest major browsers) to add decoration to hyperlinks. Looks like I don’t need to now, however, as this morning I found this article: Showing Hyperlink Cues with CSS, which explains the method very well.
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[…] I mentioned earlier this year a tutorial which shows how to use CSS 3 selectors for marking up hyperlinks. Of course, you don’t need to limit yourself to just hyperlinks; with CSS 3 attribute selectors, you can use the same technique for any tag which has an attribute. I’m going to give a couple of quick examples, which will output the following result (of course, you’ll need a browser better than IE6 to see them!): […]
CSS3: 20 tutoriales | Diseño web, accesibilidad, usabilidad, posicionamiento y optimización web - AlmacenPlantillasWeb Blog says:Comment » March 21st, 2010 at 11:37 am
[…] Using CSS3 selectors to highlight hyperlinks […]