200923 Jul
The W3C today announced the release of two new working drafts; the flexible box layout module and images values module.
The flexible box layout module defines the ‘box’ and ‘inline-box’ keywords for the ‘display’ property, which cause an element to be displayed as either a column or a row of child elements. Additional properties determine the order of the child boxes (left to right, bottom to top, etc.) and how space is distributed over the children and the spaces between them. The module is primarily intended for forcing rows of controls in a GUI to equal height or width.
The image values module defines how properties can refer to images by URL. All properties that can take images as a value, such as ‘background-image’ and ‘list-style-image’, use this syntax. (This module might be merged later with the Values and Units module.)
Both modules are still at an early stage of development and no timeframe has yet been set for the release of further working drafts, although both modules are labeled as medium priority. You can follow the editors drafts here:
http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-imagesYou can skip to the end and leave a response.
CyberSkull says:Comment » July 24th, 2009 at 3:42 am
The implecations for image() are interesting.
I could have a declaration like this:
background: image(gradient(linear, purple, colorstop(0.5), orange), gradient.svg, gradient.png or purple)
. -
All these properties sounds very attractive to me. Unfortunately I assume since it is said that they are new it’ll be quite a while until they’ll be implemented.
It’s worth noting that Firefox, Safari and Chrome all largely implement the flexbox module already using -moz- and -webkit- prefixes. This is because it’s based on Mozilla’s XUL framework.
Michael "Reply" Howell says:Comment » July 24th, 2009 at 6:10 pm
@Alexis: Firefox is based on Mozilla’s XUL framework. Safari and Chrome are built on Apple’s and KDE’s WebKit framework, which is fairly different.
[…] In related news, the W3C has released two new CSS 3 working drafts: the flexible box layout module and the CSS Image Values module. You can find a short description for both on CSS3.info. […]
Alex says:Comment » July 31st, 2009 at 8:42 am
@Michael: I assume he means the spec is based off what XUL uses, not that Safari actually uses XUL.
Consider that the spec itself says “This model is based on the box model in the XUL user-interface language used for the user interface of many Mozilla-based applications (such as Firefox).”
The image spec looks very nice and useful, allowing image fallbacks and an easy way to specify image sprites (which is close to being implemented in Firefox I think)
And speaking of image related features in Firefox/Gecko, background-size support landed in the nightlies last night, so that’s early enough that it’ll make the alpha release (lets hope CSS gradients also makes the final release)
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