• 200921 Aug

    Tweet CSS3 Fonts properties Property Presto 2.2 WebKit 4 Gecko 1.9.1 Trident font-family Yes Yes Yes font-weight Yes Yes Yes font-stretch No No No No font-style Yes Yes Yes font-variant Yes Yes Yes font-size Yes Yes Yes font-size-adjust No No Yes No font Yes Yes Yes Fonts resources Property Presto 2.2 WebKit 4 Gecko 1.9.1 […]

  • 200814 Aug

    Tweet While browsing TechCrunch this morning, I stumbled across the site for iPhone developers tap tap tap, who had published their sales figures for iPhone apps in the first month. While these were very interesting, what’s even more interesting is the absolutely fabulous way in which these guys are using @font-face. If you check their […]

  • 200816 Jun

    Tweet Not exactly a feature which is new to CSS3, @font-face was first proposed for CSS2 and has been implemented in Internet Explorer since version 5! However, their implementation relied on the proprietary Embedded Open Type (.eot) format, and no other browsers decided to use this format. With the release of Safari 3.1, however, website […]

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