• 200610 Aug

    The undersigned has a post about how he learns webdesign on his school in Denmark, and to be honest, it’s frightening me. Table layouts apparently are the way to go according to his teacher, and designs are made using Dreamweaver. Allthough CSS3 might be a way ahead, if webdesign students in Denmark are taught like that, i hope they read a lot on the side on how things should be done…

  • 200627 Jul

    As you can see, we have a new header pic, and some of the link colors on the site changed. The new header pic was created by Niels Leenheer, a friend of mine who did some work for Mozilla as well. He’s a cool dude, and i want to thank him here for taking the time to make this header pic!

    Update: Ok it was altered a bit more, and we added a favicon and changed some layout. Looks better now imho :)

    Update 2: Altered the layout some more, i’d like to hear your opinions!

  • 200614 Jun

    Hello, I’m the third member of the new CSS3.info team. My name’s Peter Gasston and I’ve been working as a web developer for six years, currently as Creative Developer for a design agency in London (I would provide a link to their site but I’m still rebuilding it). I’m a passionate advocate of web standards and my dream would be to see either Internet Explorer embracing standards, or everyone else embracing a different browser.

    I write for a number of blogs on a number of subjects; my most relevant would be my geek blog, where I get to talk about all the stuff I like that’s not necessarily mainstream. Like many projects of mine, it’s in constant development.

    I’m excited about the new features of CSS3 because they might finally help us to get rid of ‘tag soup’ in our code; no more four-layer nested divs to create curves, for example, and many less ids and classes required to hook our CSS to. My enthusiasm is only slightly dampened by the fact that it will be many years before we reach that stage.

  • 200613 Jun

    Im the second blogger/author to be added to css3.info and I’m extremely excited. I have become much more involved with CSS and Web Standards based design over the past year, then I ever thought I would be. I dove head first into a new project that started in October ’05 at dLife.com where we converted dLife.com from a regular table driven website supported by a shoddy CMS called OpenCMS, to a more agile ruby based backend with a css-based front-end design.

    I would say at this point, dLife.com is 50-60% of being complete, but there is so much more to learn. The site is about 5,000+ pages, so there is still much to be done to get this site really cranking. My team and I are also learning ruby on rails, which is still a very new technology which nobody knows quite where it will go.

    At the same time, I hope I can help other web designers/developers learn more about whats to come for CSS3. Joost and I are very excited to put together a great resource dedicated to CSS3.

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