• 200822 Jul

    The CSS3 Colour module is one of the most implemented CSS3 modules. This was previously in the Candidate Recommendation stage, but has just recently been reverted to Last Call. While this sounds like a step backwards, it was done due to the specification being updated.

    The new version of the CSS3 Colour Module has removed those features that were not widely implemented, such as the flavor system colour and the @color-profile at-rule. These dropped features are now in a request for implementation, which basically means the W3C wants browser or user agent vendors to implement the features or they will not be included in the final recommendation. If this is the case, then they will either be dropped completely or moved to CSS Colour level 4. The last call lasts until the 1st of September. If you’d like to give comments then send them to the www-style mailing list. The CSS Snapshot 2007 is waiting for this spec to go to Candidate Recommendation before it moves from Working Draft to Candidate Recommendation itself.

    Now that the colour profile and flavor features have been removed, support is almost complete in three out of the four major browser engines. Firefox 3 supports the entire spec. Safari 3 has a bug with mixed values in RGB and RGBA, and does not support the the currentColor value, but the latest nightlies fixes both of these issues. Opera 9.5 does not support HSLA or RGBA, and doesn’t support the transparent value in CSS3 context (such as on the color property), but these are supported in the ACID3 build of Opera, and will be included in version of Opera that will use Core-2.2.

  • 200804 Jun

    News about developments in CSS 3 is hard to come by at the moment, so please forgive the slow rate of updates on the site in the last month. I attended the @media conference here in London last week and news on progress in CSS was noticeable by its absence, when even HTML 5 had its own session.

    I see that Bert Bos has delivered a couple of presentations on the Template (formerly ‘Advanced’) Layout Module, but I can’t find slides of them anywhere. If anyone attended the talks and can send us copies, do please get in touch.

    Other than that, the only news is that the CSS WG have released their list of expected module deliverables; the modules listed in the 2007 snapshot along with Media Queries look set to be Recommendations shortly, with many others to take on Candidate Recommendation status.

    And that’s it. Sorry there isn’t more, or that it isn’t more exciting. I’m aiming to put together a load of new examples soon, so that should be more interesting!

    Update: As mentioned in a comment below, no sooner do I say there’s not much going on than David Baron announces that the remaining CSS3 selectors have been implemented in a build of Mozilla (which will probably be seen in Firefox 3.1), and Media Queries are set to follow. That’s good news.

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